Back to regular training on Monday the 13th, we ran around the hall once and then got stuck into it.

Training stances with a very motivational starting line from our instructor "Train hard, train strong!". We focused on twisting the hips into each stance, perfecting them and making them strong. So much fun being all together as a class.
After this, myself and a few junior white belts were taken aside with the instructor. I practised my pattern 'Four Directional Punch' whilst the instructor taught the juniors from the beginning.

At the end of the lesson as we were all lining up, I was called to the front of the class and asked to perform my pattern. I tried my best to keep focused, I felt myself mess up once by not turning my head before the next movement yet tried to keep my face composed as to not give anything away.
As I finished my instructor called "Chariot!" (meaning come to attention stance) followed by "Promoted to 9th grade!".I felt my smile reach from ear to ear, I bowed and received a yellow piece of ribbon to attach to my white belt!

I couldn't be happier and although it's only 9th grade, it's one step closer to black belt a step closer to my goal.

Wednesday night's training was,  in short, very sweaty. However I think it has been the most enjoyable so far. After a quick warm up we partnered up and began some drills with the focus pads.

Punches, knife-hand strikes, elbow strikes, backhand strikes, crescent/ spinning crescent kicks! So much fun. I was partnered up with a hilarious green belt whose name I don't know (I should really learn people's names). I had a great time encouraging her to strike with POWEEERRR!

After this I was partnered with a lovely blue belt/brown tip to teach me my new pattern for 9th grade. Luckily for her I remembered it from ITF and she offered minor corrections like twisting the hips into 'back stance'. But otherwise she told me that I did the pattern well and that I'll reach black belt in no time. This was a great compliment but I can feel things which ought to be perfected. 

So hopefully in the next couple of months I'll be able to iron out my old habits and become a better student. 
Fingers crossed.

Thanks for reading