Some people might want to ask why I chose to do TKD in the first place? 
There are several fighting styles I could have chosen from, so why Tae Kwon Do?

Well, when I first started I didn't really have a choice and if I did when I was twelve, I probably would have opted for something more "famous" like Karate. 
I do remember there being a big Kung Fu building in my home town, Palmerston North. We would drive past it often and I always wanted to go inside and see what it looked like. 

Anywho, the point is that back in the day Tae Kwon Do was chosen for me. So the real question is, why did I chose it again after quitting? Once more I could have gone for anything else. 

I wanted to do something with tradition which taught discipline and respect. Not just how to hurt a guy. I wanted to practice something which tuned in with my soul as well as my body. 
I almost tried Iaido, the art of drawing the sword. There are a lot of ceremonial actions practiced which appeals to me. 

But in reality, I needed a martial art that would help me if I ever needed to defend myself outside of the dojang. I didn't see myself carrying a Katana around wherever I went. 
I decided that because I felt a connection with Tae Kwon Do and it possessed all the values I agree with, I would find a dojang to practice in.

After months of research, looking for an ITF club, I stumbled across Rhee Tae Kwon Do. The 'Rhee' part puzzled me. After looking the name up I discovered that Master Rhee was one of the twelve founders of TKD, serving under Gen. Choi Hong Hi (creator of TKD). 
Elated I searched YouTube to see what the training was like. 
Unlike ITF and WTF, Rhee TKD is only based in Australia and a smaller group in NZ. Which makes it hard to find footage of training. So after sifting through many websites on Rhee TKD, I found out that the training was very similar to ITF, yet more focused on technique rather than sparring/tournaments. 

I was never one for tournaments and I am all about getting my technique down for patterns. This made Rhee TKD the choice for me. 

However I would like to still try Iaido! 

Thanks for reading.
