Well, well. Look what the cat dragged in. Me!

I beg your forgiveness, my computer has been out of order for some time, it actually took so much effort just to bring this page up to write this post now. BUT! It has been far too long and this page is so overdue for an update.


So training went back at the start of February, I have lost count in my weeks for training which is a pity so i'll just start again from WEEK 1.

For the most part I have been trying to develop my technique over ANYTHING else. In the past 2-3 months I have felt a significant difference in my side kick, I am able to lock out the kick with sufficient power.

The next thing for this kick is to keep a straight line with my body, from head, to hips, to the end of my foot. That is the hard part I think. Although I still have such a long way to go with this particular kick I cannot explain how great it feels knowing I have been developing it since the beginning when I felt such doubt that I would ever understand how to execute it. 
All I can say is, if you think something is impossible right now, just keep trying, keep practicing and sooner or later you will start to understand the way it works.

I have also been preparing for grading/Action Day, coming up on the 1st of April. My instructor has said to me multiple times that he would have graded me sooner, but that the timing is too close to Action Day.
Which I understand completely and am actually glad for it.
I would prefer to gain as much knowledge as I possibly can while still in a sort of junior rank rather than rushing through to Blue Belt without proper prep.

I am so genuinely excited to become a senior student in my Dojang. Ever since I first start Tae Kwon Do when I was younger, I have always looked up to the Blue Belts for some reason and it is impossible to express the joy I feel to be able to be a role model for younger students and to be at a stage where I feel that my training will become more serious and more important to me than ever. 
A sort of 'Point of No Return', where there is no backing out. If this makes any sense...
I'm not saying that getting this promotion is a massive ego boost I need, I'm simply saying I am excited to be a role model and to get serious about Rhee TKD.  

I believe a really serious aspect I need to work on is my overall fitness and endurance.
As I have said before, I am not the fittest of people which makes sparring and running around a less than easy task.
I think this is important for ALL martial artists.


As for the news on my other things:

Preparations for moving are now starting to catch up with me. I will be moving to the Gold Coast later than expected as the start of university for me will begin mid-year around the start of June. 
I am excited to start training in a new dojang and there are several to choose from so if I do not feel comfortable in one I can simply try another.
However I will miss my friends at my current Dojang and will also miss my Instructor who is truly wonderful.

But I still have a few months to enjoy with them before moving on!

In other news I have been training alone in Iaido with the help of an American friend online to teach me the basic forms and draws of the blade. 
I have also ordered the book 'Iai' to gain more knowledge and to study the art without breaking the "One Teacher" mentality in Rhee TKD. 
I do want to stay committed to one Master so therefore I will try my best to develop my Iaido skills in my own time.

The fact is, I am still so in love with Rhee TKD, every part of it. It fills me with such happiness. The moment I step into the Dojang, all of my worries disappear and I can relax and just train!

I am so glad that over one year ago, I decided to join RTKD and start this journey.
Thank you so much for reading!

Kirstine Powhiro
5th Grade (Green Belt/Blue Stripe)
Rhee Tae Kwon Do