Greetings pals!

So it has been a while since my final lesson in 2015.
Happy New Year!

I don't really have a lot to report on, I tried to organise a lesson in Iaido, however they have also taken a break for the holidays.
And have been lacking the courage to try MMA.
A weak excuse and I really should go along, just to watch at least!
In preparation for starting back with RTKD I have been warming up my legs with kicks, practicing side kicks often as well as trying to get the beginning part of my new pattern Yul Gok.


In other news I would like to report that I will be moving from Cairns to the Gold Coast late March this year.
I am moving to study, and hopefully I'll be able to find a new dojang to train in and make some new friends too.

It is very important to me that I stick with Rhee TKD and see it through.
As I have said before it is a dream of mine to become an instructor and I also think that there will be more of an opportunity for this in the Gold Coast.

Other than this, the only thing that I need to work on is my fitness. It has massively plummeted during this Christmas season and would love to hear some tips on how to get back into the swing of things after this lazy time.

Another update soon.

Thanks again.

Kirstine Powhiro
5th Grade (Green Belt/Blue Stripe)
Rhee Tae Kwon Do