Greetings friends!

This last week of training hasn't been very interesting "class-wise" but I have some news which is cool, so let's go through the week.


This was a pretty big training group and LOTS of the Black Belts showed up including Regional Master Len.
He took the senior half of the class through some intense self defense.
We learnt some FAST ways to get yourself away from a knife being held against your body and also how to control the attackers hand. 
It was so cool and we had to do it fast, as if in real life and our partner would attack at unexpected times which made it more intense.
For senior class we went through all the patterns and MAN do I need to work some more on my side kick. For some reason its just flat and weak, I don't know what's going with that.


This was a rather slack training session for me as I spent the junior part teaching a white belt the basics.
Which was cool, she started off a little confused and shy and by the end of class she could punch PERFECTLY with correct stance and everything, she was a natural! Only about 5 years old too! I think if she continues to do RTKD she will be really amazing.

For senior class, we kind of did some combo kicking with pads but then also did board breaking individually with Instructor Linden.
When it was my turn, I started with one board, smashed it easy peasy, then he added another and I got nervous.
But I was reassured that I just needed to do the same thing and they would both break.
I did a REAAAAAALY loud ki-hap, a bit too loud I think because everyone kind of looked over as if to say "Whoa...loud enough? Or..?"
Then I smashed BOTH boards just as easy as the first which felt so awesome! hahaa

After class my Instructor asked me when I would be leaving for the Gold Coast and I told him. 
He mentioned in class that those who were away or not quite ready for Action Day would be having a grading the following Wednesday.
And so, I was told that I would be going for grading for brown stripe then also.
THAT'S scary.

He THEN went on to say that I will be able to go for Brown belt before I leave. Which I am not sure about but if he thinks I am ready for it then I will, of course, try my best.
I know that I am a fast learner, and I think I can do it, but also it's nice to be prepared and I will need to work REALLY hard to be ready to grade for Brown belt.

If I am successful, once I move I think I might ask to be kept at that level for at least like, five or six months so that I can fully develop myself into the grade and be prepared for the final test into where the REAL learning starts. BLACK BELT.
Of course it will always be up to my Instructor, whoever they may be.

But yes! That is my news, my very scary, coming very soon type news.
 Anybody who has been in my position, please to offer some tips on what I should be focusing on apart from learning the new pattern. It would be an immense help to me.

Thank you so much for reading! Wish me luck for grading next Wednesday, and I shall report back soon.

Kirstine Powhiro
4th Grade (Blue Belt)
Rhee Tae Kwon Do