At Monday's training we began as normal, with a new person joining us too. After a full on warm up we began practicing patterns, over and over. 
I have to say, patterns are my favourite part of TKD. I like to feel that I am improving and when you repeat your pattern enough, you soon become accustom to each movement.
This took up most of the lesson and by the end I was sweating profusely. Good stuff! Towards the end we paired up and were taught 3 step sparring. Where one person attacks 3 times and the other must block 3 times and then perform a counter attack. 


Wednesday night our new person returned to practise which was great as well as Leane, another new person from the week before. It's always exciting when new people join! 
It happened to be one of the other instructors birthday that day and so one at a time we ran at him and attacked with two movements.
After this we learnt some self-defence against knives! We were taught how to dodge the strike and counter with a grab and take-down. 
After that we did some FREE SPARRING! In pairs we attacked one another, I felt that I was blocking very well but that my attacks weren't heading anywhere. Something I can hopefully work on.

I have also been working on my flexibility and balance. I practise holding my leg up in the position before kicking and have been stretching daily to have more movement in the legs.
It is important to practise at home as well as the dojang!
Until next time, thanks for reading.
