Monday's training had to be the most exhausting session since starting.
The lesson was taken over by one of the training instructors who doubled our shuttle runs, included double push-ups, sit-ups and burpees. 
We didn't get to stretch which left my ankles feeling a little shaky.
Instead we jumped straight into kicking drills, which were fast and varied. It was painful but honestly so fun.
Myself and the other 9th grades were taken by Instructor Greg to practice our pattern. We were then told that on Wednesday we were to have our grading.
I was shocked and said "WHAT!?", not meaning to be rude but I think I must have been a little disrespectful. But in all honesty I was truly shocked. 
I ended the lesson watching the senior class perform patterns.


Wednesday's lesson was taken by training instructor Gary. I had been warned that his lessons were full-on. Luckily we just stuck to team exercises and training with focus pads. Back kick, side kick and spinning kicks.
At the end of class, myself and the other 9th grades were called to the front for our grading. 
To my surprise the black belts took out.......... TIMBER BREAKING BOARDS! 
My nerves surged. I had broken boards before but only practice ones and only with my arms. 
For this break we had to perform, you guessed it! SIDE PIERCING KICK! Or as it's called in Rhee TKD, just side kick (I recently found this out).
As my name was called I shakily gave my first attempt, forgot to kihap and did not break the board.
Instructor Gary pointed out "Don't forget to kihap first".
I took my time and breathed deeply, focusing on on pushing THROUGH the board. With an inspiring kihap I pushed through the board and split it in two!

I am now proud to say I have been promoted to 8th grade, Yellow belt!
Yet another step closer to my goal and I am so excited to learn new things!

Thank you for reading.
