
So, like I said in my last post, my instructor said I would be able to grade this week.
On Monday I arrived to the hall 40 minutes early, it was empty so I started practicing my pattern and doing some stretches. It was such a hot day, as it's getting into the hotter part of the year here in Cairns, I was sweating like crazy.

Everyone arrived including a 4th Degree black belt whose name I didn't grab and also many other black belts I did not recognize. We had a very long warm up, which was very uncomfortable due to the weather. 

Next we jumped into some patterns, then self defense and some blocking drills. 
My instructor then came up to me and said we will hold a grading Wednesday instead.

I expected that because there were so many strangers in the dojang and quite a few newbies as well.


So on Wednesday I actually arrived later than I usually do, got a quick practice of my pattern in and we started class. A really quick warm up to start (which was awesome) and then Instructor Greg got us into some free sparring and then separated a few of us to do patterns, I was included. 
I felt I was doing well and felt very calm, however, in the last minutes of class Instructor Greg asked us to form a horse shoe shape around the back of the hall.
He called up a few 9th grades, they did their pattern and he graded a couple of them including the girl I teach at the beginning of class.
Next he called the 8th grades (yellow belts), they did the same and he graded two more to 7th grade. 

Then he called "All 7th grades, come forward, this will be the last group."

Myself and the other 7th grades stepped up and we performed our pattern. I cannot even begin to explain my nerves. I was sweating so much and shaking.
He asked us to do it once again (which he did not do for the last 2 groups), with a kihap on each move. 
My voice was growing hoarse with each yell, I was getting out of breath from being nervous. When we finished, he called Instructor Gary to stand in front of me, just me.

He then called "FREE SPARRING"

My initial reaction was "Why! ME? Just me?" I was already so out of breath and for anyone who does sparring in their training will know how exhausting it is. 
It seemed to go on forever, my kicks were flat, I kept almost hitting Gary in the face. It honestly was the worst I have ever sparred. I couldn't think of any combos I just kicked and punched and it was bad.
Instructor Greg then told us all to line up and didn't hand any of the 7th grades a Green belt. I was sure I had failed.


"Kirstine! Will you please come to the front"

Still breathless I ran to the front of the hall and bowed to Instructor Greg. From behind his back he pulled out a Green belt and said "Promoted to 6th grade!"

Utter shock, pure happiness. I didn't think I deserved it for my lacking performance. But I also think that all the early starts, the sweat and the pulled muscles and such, meant that I put in the hard work to earn that belt.

I shook the hands of all the black belts and at the end of class a few of my friends ran and hugged me with congratulations.

Even though I feel like I could have done better in my grading, I know in my heart I have earned it and have been waiting since I was 13, when I was a 7th gup in ITF, to grade to Green belt. I feel proud. 

Thank you again, for reading my story.


Kirstine Powhiro
6th Grade (Green Belt)
Rhee TaeKwon Do