
It's been a pretty cool week for Tae Kwon Do.
Monday's lesson started off with a pretty decent warm up. We ran laps of the hall, which was new and difficult. Sort of like the beep test only longer and it stayed at the same hard level of "just run fast".

After Instructor Greg just yelled "PATTERNS!"
We went through all the patterns but repeated a few because some of us were lacking proper technique. I have been trying to maintain my discipline when holding a move. Usually I just crack and stand up to relax. But that's really lazy and disrespectful, so this week I have been trying to hold it. 
I was sweating so very badly because of this. Our Instructor often won't let us move for a while as he demonstrates something to someone or explains something to the class.

For senior class we had free sparring which was really hard, we utilized only side kicks, trying keep proper form but still being fast paced. Very sweaty is all I can say.

Wednesday I found out the young girl I teach before class was up for grading that night. So we went over her pattern many times before class began. She was nervous.

During class, after the warm up and a few patterns we did 3 step sparring for the whole lesson ( with no counter attacks (sad face) ). 

At the end of the lesson Instructor Greg graded a few other people but said he forgot to bring the green stripe for the girl so he would do it next week. 

I think the next action day is in December, so I have a while before its my time. This is good, I'd like to get better at Won-Hyo and get my side kick decent before then. 
I heard that last year some green belts had only two weeks till their action day after they were graded and were told to be ready to grade again. 
Maybe this information was wrong? But that seems a little quick to me. I hope it doesn't happen to me because I wouldn't want to be called out for not being ready.  


Also recently I have been studying the Encyclopedia of TaeKwon Do. It's really interesting and I enjoy reading it. I encourage anyone doing TaeKwon Do to read it.
As well as this I have been reading 'Bushido' based on Hagakure by Tsunetomo Yamamoto.
It's basically Samurai guidelines for life in general.
Some of it is outdated for the current time but the rest is actually really helpful as in being true to yourself, being a champion of freedom and justice and such.

So yes! Go and give those a read.
I would love to read more books so if anyone has some good suggestions feel free to let me know!

Kirstine Powhiro
6th Grade (Green Belt)
Rhee Tae Kwon Do