It has been some time since I have checked in. Which is probably a good thing since now I have a lot to say.

SUNDAY WEEK 31- On this day I was feeling particularly lazy. So I decided to go and find a nice place to practice my patterns other than my small room. 
I ended up at a beautiful big park but it was raining so I headed over to another further away and spent an hour there practicing. A lot of people were watching and I felt a little weird about it, but continued nevertheless. 
A few kids kept asking what I was doing and I just said "practicing". 

MONDAY WEEK 32- I was so so tired this day, everything made me tired because I had been up since 4am. I did patterns with a group while others did 3 step sparring. I then taught some younger green belts who hadn't gotten the hang of Won-Hyo yet, the young boy was doing well but the girl I could tell was finding it a little frustrating and difficult. 
I think perhaps I need to know more on how to teach young kids, because they lose interest very very quickly and are hard to real back in.

TUESDAY WEEK 32- I went to the same park again to practice, there weren't as many people as last time and I found it very peaceful to go through a few kicking drills and patterns in silence. 

WEDNESDAY WEEK 32- We had a really fun warm up and then Instructor Wayne took the class through blocking drills.
They were so full on and difficult but so much fun. I really like Instructor Wayne's classes, I can feel myself improving because it's so different to what we usually do. 
There's not a lot of pausing and he switches techniques up often to keep you on your toes.
Instructor Wayne also stresses the importance of speed which makes us all work harder.
And at the end of class I was dripping in sweat but felt really good and went home and practiced the blocks I had never been taught before, which was awesome!


MONDAY WEEK 33- While out on a delivery for my work (I work in a bakery), I decided to stop by at the Matsumoto Karate Academy. It was larger than the one I visited a while ago and had a small pond with fish and trees around. A very nice atmosphere for a strange location, which was out in an industrial area.
Of course no classes were on, there was someone inside but I didn't want to intrude. So I had my last look and went on my way.
I actually wouldn't mind giving Karate a go, not to start a whole new martial art, just to have some knowledge.

At training the warm up really hurt my ankles. I'm not sure what's going on with them but they just feel very fragile when I run for a while on certain days. 
Instructor Gary then took myself and some younger people for 3 step.
I left feeling that I really want to get my fitness up. 
I've said before I am not fit at all, since leaving high school I have been lazy, as I used to walk 40mins to school each day. Now I drive to work and only do TKD so the fitness level has PLUMMETED, to say the least.

WEDNESDAY WEEK 33- On that last note, I spent Wednesday doing physical things as it was my day off. I spent an hour on archery and then went swimming at the local pool for a half hour.
At training the warm up yet again killed my ankles! It was excruciating.
We did a lot of physical things like sit ups and push ups as well which was a nice change from our regular running even though that was still a factor.
Instructor Greg took us through kicking drills for the rest of the lesson which was nice.

Also throughout this week I have been trying to improve my side kick and Won-Hyo, with a lot of help from a fellow Rhee TKD practitioner via the INTERWEBS, She was able to pick up on things which other people have not noticed. 

For instance keeping my stances throughout the pattern, hand placement and hip motion. So this week I have been able to remind myself of these small errors and am on my way to making my pattern better! YAY!

So once again, thank you for reading and I apologize again for the very late post.
Until next time.

Kirstine Powhiro
6th Grade (Green Belt)
Rhee Tae Kwon Do