Greetings Friends!

It's been a very wavy couple of weeks.

MONDAY WEEK 36: I once again started my lesson at the new time of 7pm, I find this to be a very strange time to start and it has me feeling dreadfully tired before even starting. 
I helped teach some yellow belts their pattern, trying to get their stance right as I m discovering more and more how important they are.
After the juniors left Instructor Wayne took us trough some combination drills, my favourite being the outer block followed by palm strike. It's a really cool, swift block and strike move, you feel like a superhero doing it.
We then went through some patterns and then watched the black belts go through the rest. MAN were they sweating by the end of it!!

WEDNESDAY WEEK 36: I decided it would probably be a good idea to start going to both the junior and senior classes because I just couldn't be bothered waiting till 7!
It was a good idea too because it was just like our normal class! We started doing some sparring while Instructor Greg took each grade out to asses if we were ready for grading, which my group was, YAY!
For senior class we went through patterns and then I taught the girl I always teach at the beginning of class, some counter attacks for 1 step sparring, trying to utilize some of her moves from the pattern Do-San.


Can I say very much else?
I do not know how long we ran for but it was a LONG time. It was also one of the hottest days we have had this year. After running we did, FREE SPARRING just to add to the nice coat of sweat we all already had ! hahaa
We then did a running circuit where at at each end was an activity of kicking a pad, jumping over an obstacle and rolling on mats. That was fun but still so very sweaty.

I did not attend class on Wednesday unfortunately because I was away for the night. I miss it very much already.

THOUGHTS: So I recently found out that TKD will stop for a brief time during the school holidays.
I think it's for a month.
I don't really want to take a month off and the other club is too far away from my house, so I was thinking about doing a month's training in another martial art just to keep my muscles awake while we have that time off.
I just don't know what to do because I won't be committing to it like I have with TKD. 
I was thinking of MMA or Iaido, even Karate crossed my mind, but that's not really something you can just start and stop.
Any help would be appreciated! 

Until next time!

Kirstine Powhiro
6th Grade (Green Belt)
Rhee Tae Kwon Do