
I thought i would roll over this week as next week is "grading week" or "action day week", so it'll be hectic with lots of things to tell about, hopefully.

This week the things I have been trying to focus in have been my side kick and pattern.

MONDAY : It was a really good lesson but my ankles were sore again, probably because I haven't been doing anything since the last time I was at TKD. 
We have started prep for Action Day, working on basics and also SPARRING, to prepare those going for black belt.
I need to work on having good technique rather than speed in sparring.
Which is sort of opposite to what I was taught in ITF so it's hard to gather. 

WEDNESDAY : More prep for Action Day with patterns and stance drills. I had to teach a 9th grade for most of the lesson, she is doing well but is young, very giggly and hard to get back on track!
But I managed to get her serious with friendly competition to see if her technique is better than mine, I didn't say that anyone won, I just told her she did well and that seemed just as good. 
In senior class we did board breaking which was fun! 


I'm about 90% sure I have grading coming up next week or maybe the week after, I don't know what I have to do but I'm praying it isn't sparring because it is my weakest point.
I also feel my power lacking in my pattern Won-Hyo.

In particular, the side kicks in the pattern. So I have been working on my side kick everyday, it's so tough to get and I know I won't get it overnight, but I'm hoping for a little improvement.
I have tried watching videos but an ITF side kick is VERY different to a Rhee side kick, ranging from which part of the foot to strike with to the hip placement. It's all different. 
So instead I consulted my fellow RTKD practitioner online to help me out and I was given a lot of great advice to practice making a good foundation for a strong kick. 

So I'm hoping I can get some good work in before grading.
 Pray for me!

Kirstine Powhiro
6th Grade (Green Belt)
Rhee Tae Kwon Do